Our Ground Up Advocacy Bootcamp is a cutting-edge, virtual training intentionally built for emerging community leaders. This two-day program emphasizes coalition building, multimedia training, campaign strategy, and volunteer recruitment in addition to herbicide-specific education. The Bootcamp takes a look at pesticides and their impacts on human and environmental health, all while providing participants with the advocacy and organizing skills to enact change in their communities. Participants walk away with a deeper understanding of toxic chemicals, what it means to rewild spaces, the intersection of human and environmental health, and how these issues tie back to social justice and climate change. Bootcamps take place biannually in the summer and winter. The next Ground Up Advocacy Bootcamp will take place this summer.
You can sign up to learn more here and can email us at campus@rewild.org if you have any questions!
Day 1 focuses on the pesticide issue. During the first day, participants will:
Learn about Re:wild Your Campus
Dive into the history and ramifications of pesticide use
Explore the differences between organic landcare, rewilding, and learn about the Re:wild Your Campus theory of change
Learn about the Roundup lawsuits and Dewayne "Lee" Johnson's story
Uncover the ways in which pesticide use is an environmental justice issue
Day 2 focuses on starting a campaign and building a movement. During the second day participants will:
Create campaign goals
Become familiar with power mapping and strategic outreach
Explore how to effectively communicate with key stakeholders
Officially start a campaign!
The Ground Up Advocacy Bootcamp is free for students, and we ask that community members pay a $50 suggested donation.